-DownBeat August 2017
"Tal's playing is full of passion, focus, and creativity." - Joe Lovano
"... A special talent that needs to be heard... Check him out!"
- George Garzone
“Tal Cohen is one of the brightest stars playing the piano to come along in a long time and has the promise of being at the top of the curve changing our minds about music.”
–Terence Blanchard

- All About Jazz
June 29, 2017
"Surrounded by top-shelf support, pianist Tal Cohen makes a significant statement on Gentle Giants, his second album as a leader. Not content merely to demonstrate his formidable technique, he brings a unique compositional vision to his craft, pulling from his early exposure to Jewish folk music and an extensive immersion in classical composers like Chopin and Scriabin in the process of shaping a unique jazz vision. The result is a highly engaging and stimulating release, with surprises and intriguing choices in abundance on these ten tracks...." Read More
Culture Jazz review

"Décidément, Israël aura vu germer sur ses territoires une quantité de jazzmen qui, le plus souvent « passent à l’Ouest ». C’est le cas de Tal Cohen, new-yorkais désormais, un pianiste que nous découvrons avec à ses côtés ici, le saxophoniste Greg Osby et Robert
Hurst à la contrebasse (pour citer les plus connus). Une musique dont on apprécie la modération. Ici, on prend le temps de jouer en laissant se développer la musique qui s’appuie sur quelques thèmes célèbres bien exploités (Nardis...). Découverte intéressante...." Lire la suite
Step Tempest review, Monday June 19, 2017

"Listening to "Gentle Giant", I am reminded of my initial reaction to Wynton Marsalis's 1986 album, "Black Codes From the Underground." There is an audacious quality to the music, making one sit up and pay attention to what each musician is playing and how the ensemble interacts. We could argue all day long whether the music is "new" or not but that's not the point here. Cohen and company - Robert Hurst (bass)...." Read More